Retro Bowl Wiki
Draft Round -1

A picture of the 1st round of the draft

At the beginning of every season, you may draft three rookie players. There are three rounds of the draft. You can draft more players next season if you are Trading away a player. You can only draft players if there is free space in your Roster, and if your salary cap is not too high.


You can trade for picks before the season ends, but by default, you get one pick for each round of the draft.

Usually in the 1st round, there are medium to high paid rookies that can play a notable role in your team. They are usually high priority and are valued the most as they usually stay on your team for a long time.

In the 2nd round, there are usually players that fell behind 1st picks, and are equivalent to them via potential. Some 1st picks can go into the 2nd round if they weren't drafted.

In the 3rd round, there are usually the worst of the 2nd picks, and sometimes 1st picks who were never drafted. They usually go ignored as nobody wants a useless person on their team.


You can get more picks in the next season's draft if one of these occur;

  • You get a round pick (e.g. round 2) after that round is over
  • You trade a player for a pick during the current season

However, during the draft, you can get more picks and use them during the draft. This is very common when you want to replace a bad player or if you don't have a lot of players in your roster. To do this, you can check a player's value in their profile. For example, there could be a round 3 pick that you want to trade. Then, you can trade them for a round 3 pick.

Sometimes, teams can offer you players in exchange for one of your picks. Most times their value is disoriented to their star rating.
