Retro Bowl Wiki


The Front Office is where you can manage your team. You can improve your team by spending coaching credits on different things.


Improving your stadium makes Fans more positive after a win and less negative after a loss. Your stadium can be improved up to 10 levels, with each level costing one more Coaching Credits than the previous level. For example, going from a level 5 stadium to a level 6 stadium will cost 6 CC, while going from a level 2 stadium to a level 3 stadium will cost 3 CC. Upgrading your stadium immediately increases your fan approval slightly. Your stadium loses levels over time.

Training Facilities:

Improving training facilities means players gain XP faster. Your training facilities can be improved up to 10 levels, with each level costing one more Coaching Credits than the previous level. For example, going from a level 5 training facility to a level 6 training facility will cost 6 CC, while going from a level 2 training facility to a level 3 training facility will cost 3 CC. Upgrading your training facilities improves your team morale. Your training facilities loses levels over time.

Rehab Facilities:

Improving rehab facilities help players maintain good condition and recover from Injuries quicker. Your rehab facilities can be improved up to 10 levels, with each level costing one more Coaching Credits than the previous level. For example, going from a level 5 rehab facilities to a level 6 rehab facilities will cost 6 CC, while going from a level 2 rehab facilities to a level 3 rehab facilities will cost 3 CC. Upgrading your rehab facilities increases your team's condition slightly. Your rehab facilities lose levels over time.

Salary Cap:

The Salary Cap is the maximum amount of money you can spend on your roster. You can increase the salary cap with Coaches Credits by clicking the "Increase Salary Cap" button. You may increase your salary cap by $25 Million by spending 100 Coaching Credits indefinitely.

Free Agents:

You may add Free Agents to your roster by spending Coaching Credits.

Staff Hires:

You may replace your Offensive coordinator or Defensive Coordinator through staff hires. These coordinators may have traits, which are listed below.

Trait Bonus
Physical Condition Boost of 5% for all Offensive/Defensive Players Per game
Scout Scout 3 extra players during the Draft
Motivator Instant Morale boost for Offensive/Defensive Players
Talent Spotter Instant Potential Boost for Offensive/Defensive Players
Experience Instant Level up for Offensive/Defensive Players
Fan favorite Fan happiness is boosted by 1% per game, but takes a hit when fired
Likeable XP boost of 5% per game for Offensive/Defensive Players, but team Morale suffers when fired

Draft Picks:

On the bottom right of the screen you will see how many picks you have in the Draft. You can gain picks by trading away players on your roster prior to the trade deadline and you can lose picks by accepting trades from other teams prior to the trade deadline. Cutting a player will not give you draft picks.


The store can be opened by clicking the little shopping cart icon to the left of Free Agents (You can't buy anything in the web version yet). You may purchase the following from the store:

Item Price (USD) Details
Unlimited Version $0.99 Unlocks Unlimited Version and obtain 25 Coaching Credits, Kick returns, and access to change team/division names, and edit jersey's. Can only be purchased once.
Coaching Credits x50 $1.99 Obtain 50 Coaching Credits. Can be purchased multiple times.
Coaching Credits x100 $3.49 Obtain 100 Coaching Credits. Can be purchased multiple times.
Coaching Credits x250 $4.99 Obtain 250 Coaching Credits. Can be purchased multiple times.
Coaching Credits x500 $9.99 Obtain 500 Coaching Credits. Can be purchased multiple times.