Cam Zoom[]
The Cam Zoom is an option that zooms in your screen during plays when the player who has the football.
How to turn on
- Click the wrench in the bottom left of your screen.
- At the top left, second button from the top, click the "Cam Zoom" button to turn it on, and click it again to turn it off.
Unlimited Version:[]
You may purchase the Unlimited Version for $0.99 in the options page, the unlimited version unlocks Team Editor, Weather, a 12 man Roster, Replays, and kick returns(mobile only), Unlimited Version doesn't exist on PC, Replays and Team Editor
There are five difficulty settings; Easy, Medium, Hard, Extreme and Dynamic. When set to dynamic the difficulty will adjust automatically, getting harder when you win games and easier when you lose games. Extreme difficulty makes all opponents play with a 5 star rating, regardless of their actual rating. When set on easy, you’re looking for a fun game scoring around 80 points a game. When setting at hard, it’s not as hard as extreme but it’s making it a challenging game
Drive Direction[]
There are three drive directions; left, right and both, if you choose left, you will always drive left and if you choose right you will always drive left, if you choose both, 2 quarters you will drive right, and 2 quarters you will drive left
Each Retro Bowl game consists of 4 Quarters. At the end of each quarter possession changes. You can choose the quarter length from the options page of the main menu. There are 3 options; 1 min, 2 min, or 3 min quarters.
There are three options for sound; Off, Sound Fx and Sound Fs & Music. This can be toggled in the options menu.
This option brings rain or snow on games you play and is available on Unlimited Version on mobile and free on PC. On PC, it is not optional which games have snow or rain. On all versions, you can control wind probability. You can edit snow and rainfall chances by using Team Editor.
Snow affects how the players run.
Wind Direction
Wind direction affects how the ball travels after the kick for Field Goals and Extra Points.
Rain does not affect anything except you can see rain droplets on the screen.
Enabling scan lines adds horizontal gray lines to the entire screen.
Exit Game[]
When you click the Exit Game button thing your whole career would reset and you will have to make a new one(on mobile you can create 5 careers)